Truffa // Fraud
In the right Italian, the scam is to obtain an advantage at the expense of another person misled through artifice and deception
(in Anglo-Saxon law speaks of "false representations", as well as, unlike Italy, in other objective rights -Austrian and German,
for example. - the error can be already present in the mind of the victim).
It is believed that the word "scam" comes from the French scams (truffle, despite the current French term for fraud is escroquerie),
because in ancient times the precious tuber was used to trick unsuspecting victims and greedy, according to the ' etymology is also
likely that the term "truffle" was the same as "tuber", within the meaning of alarm or silly little person. In turn, the term "fool"
(which has the sense of "cheat, cheat") has similar origins, as it derives from the practice of using fennel as an appetizer to fool
the taste of the client in respect of a poor quality wine, is to use its seeds to alter the taste of bottled wine.